How to Make Quickshot? Best Quick Shot Videos

by - February 04, 2020

Founder's QuickShot SMG!

QuickShot is perhaps the fastest way to eliminate enemies in Fortnite! If you're good at aiming, you can also be good at quickshot automatically. To do this, all you have to do in the game is to have one of the This Weapons you see above. Of course there are many other Weapons. But I added them as an example. The damage of each weapon is different. And a lot of bullets (amo) may be required for SMG weapons. Because if we consider that we deal 21 damage on average with Smg weapons, it is necessary to hit at least 10 times to eliminate a person with 200 health. So this is one of the best possibilities, of course. This example I gave was valid for non-head hits. Maybe you are a professional headshoter. Of course, I don't know that. Even 5 strokes may be enough for you ... Below are some ways to do QuickShot in Fortnite Battle Royal and some youtubers who do quickshot pretty well. Both XBox, PS and computer players can do the same. Good watching...

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