Everything so far in Fortnite Update v15.20 Details

by - January 11, 2021

Everything so far in Fortnite Update v15.20 Details - News

Map Changes & Insane Skin Design Concepts

Map Changes & Insane Skin Design Concepts - 15.20 update fortnite

I want to say 1 thing are you interested in being part of the screens what now I want to try it 8 2000 and core he was on the stream which means it's gonna be 2000 people watch industry wants to be in Thailand's industry and not to do that we need to stream squats and wanted all the streams going to let you know in the comments section down below for you to come in right now streams what I can really see how many people coming out if you're gonna be part of that squad you don't have to just come in the office you can but what have you want to come in to put it somewhere and you come in so I doubt you're going to be part of that group.

Let's see we can get 2000 people to watch my stream are gonna be outside this drop the videos because they really do want to start stream some off on I still just generally across the board so be interesting to see what you guys think about that all right let's move on to off the stomach which we've got which is actually going to be coming in with the matching set up mock changes why I know so if you live in same pot what do you mean you've got about changes well let's jump on into this POV Hey Hey we are right now you can see this is the month change with coming straight up over 2:00 hours is that you can see that the Mandalorians officially moved now open to hear very strangeness because for some reason this only seems shown in 7 out. 

Yeah some reason one game ahead in this game it somewhere else I'm not too sure why that's happening but you can see is the Mandalorians template has moved towards the house section a brand new map change over in the section which is really nice what's really cool about this is if you watch the head over to the pleasant park section he's over his section of that has also been removed you can still see the 10 would have been higher but it's not had a come fi still hand obviously the box is still there but the whole area in this section has been removed as well as some options for those wondering planes have been removed in several different spots all of them out for those wonder when winterfest did get removed out of the game he did speak out the majority of the planes are not all of them most of them have been removed there are still planes over the area west momondo is bold enough I've yet to find any of the planes bonds.

I'm gonna go ahead and you see the ones over here are still in the game I'm pretty sure these ones have been removed as well as you can see yet again this section has been removed for the plains bones well so it looks like to me the only spot I've actually managed to find plain soap box will be the wanted snow Mandos outpost all the way on the mountain over that which is quite a bit away but yeah you can see is out but still remains of that and I think that will stay there for the rest of the season just to celebrate the introduction of snow Monday as an empty save I don't see them removing him from the game now before we jump into some more topics on some of the news I just want to discuss everything coming in the next update on prediction what soap deal date itself will be dropping most likely on Tuesday or Wednesday my position is going to be the choose day this is going to contain a point of contact is good one of the biggest of basic received in a while because we haven't had enough things so long. 

Want to come back with a Big Bang no my petition for this update is we'll get some paint over the stealthy strong cold area this is most likely going to be some sort of animal or creature that we can control in the tapes that we had on the season star made actually have 3 different forms a shock something else and something else that we don't exactly know what her third form was so maybe it's gonna take a creature in Hey which we can control what the shock they're gonna be able to drive all kind of like move around or maybe it could just be the predator we're not too sure exactly yeah but obviously time without with the stealthy from cold stuff on the topic of stealthy strongholds and I was the new creatures B. R. 

Then we can see in the MPC's will be added in as well we've been introduction of 2 new bosses or maybe one an exotic weapon I'm guessing though I've new ones in which month Laurie moving forever around the map yet as well because obviously Tony towers area now has been announced we obviously got my learning moving from his ship which is just down here to my right you can see he's going to be moving all the way around in the some buyers exploring the entire areas we're not messing around he really is exploring as much as the county now goes all the way over from here to my bottom right all the way around the entire. 

So it's a really big Gary Cole this is not covering every link single last fall both he is definitely covered the majority of Adams I'm suspecting that it's going to cover more office bound flying over right now now on the topic of that could we be seeing the introduction of a new vehicle in the state possibly as well I feel is to be more towards the end of the season you guys know we talked about the Max themselves here in the previous month change video all these Mets gonna be complete is likely going to get this before running as a big bill I feel like she well I feel it is a black almond mac I don't feel like it's going to be as overpowers the original ones with American F. version as well as inside a cage you know see he's constructing drop on some prepares well.

So lecture is definitely on the construction hopefully we do receive something on the topic about but I think if I've got my map change predictions in MPC's we'll talk more about them obviously when you discover live yeah that's ever been I have on my predictions book moving on to our next topic for you guys which is an absolutely huge 1 and this comes in with the floor is lava LCM to so many people have been asking me where is it when we get in a box I once it let's have it and it looks like the graph G. skin he's actually going to be using the lava L. C. and the floor is lava LTM full he's torment that's right guys gravity it looks like he's set his tone of it in the lobby helps yeah so that means that we will be getting a reintroduction in the next pots which should be the 15.20 pockets which will actually be for his outfit competition some gas and he's out.

Sam will be a twist on the floor is lava LTM for the graft stuff which makes sense that's why he's B. movie scenes kinda red Sox 55 really nice meanwhile will be showcasing his outfit off tomorrow which is today as I'm recording this video Monday the eleventh well that insight into doc will probably get you now since Mar as well for the graph the skin on this competition which we talk about when we get to that. Nice so yeah we could definitely spend some radios and stuff people also predicting we could possibly receive they even tomorrow which I don't think we well I think the the cheese steak with crafty and now Senate with possibly the tone of being on the Wednesday well the following Wednesday I guess it probably the following Wednesday that won't be the Wednesday the update drops they'll be the following one little bit I'm the lucky one or maybe not Wednesday but the following week after the update just makes more sense African space that content out now hopefully we do get back into the flow of data every 2 weeks conte compare them.

But obviously we're getting close to it and I'm guessing that's what they'll do now until the end of the season with a good few updates pop in so pretty exciting stuff and generally a lot of people are buzzing Kelly spent another 4 to 5 days before the season ends so that's really nice with some mega concert going to cover everything for you guys as we go into all of.we also have this one here well the next touch might finally give us all 1000 skinny porn night hopefully this is what could be the actual case that means that the total of 1000 skins in Fortnite since from a friend family on I discovered you can see it's really nice to see that is kind of interesting to see that we have 998 skins in the game currently. 

And there is possibly going to be 1000 which is just insane. Instead of their audience with different variants both not counting different variants of different skins 1000 wow. The next office would jump into is this concept right ahead of the re imagined realities bundle sent in from quitting I love this 1 so congratulations again in a video thank you to everyone else also sending in that concept has been so many sense make and having a time to cover them all yet but I will go for example a few of them in the videos I do go for it but for now we're sticking with this 1 haven't quite over offering these free skins are very creative the request of some of the classic ones already in the game and generally a great pot full around the 2000 the bookmark,

I would set this as similar to the 1 that we already have in the game which will be rotating out very soon the frost legends proxy 0 500 but it's a little bit less because it's only skins and no buckling glide N. pick ups centric CP frost legends pop icons with backlinks and pick out since sept yes would be nice to see if this was the case or not but obviously I like it let's move on to the next 1 so what do you see this 1 is beamed off the **** Wonka and the chocolate factory books slash film I see the original film from 1971 I think this is really really cool this is really nice from teen Tina who does for my final and I think this is great great concept inspired by 1 of these ideas and it's amazing to see that we do have the **** Wonka bars potentially a battling the pickups that being the only pop and the GMC **** Wonka's game which is just amazing using the ultimate design from the classic film so I generally think this would be an amazing concept imagine having like a chocolate but G. P. O. Y. for this as well this would be a future thing. 

I don't think it would happen anytime soon and would require some different discussions published impairs the phone account used to answering yeah I'm ready and the book cart to scene you know the C. Leung is 1 of the classic Roald Dahl books so I don't know 100 percent if they would enter this territory pull it be nice and I think a lot of people by an A. B. classic references well so obviously only time will tell if this is the case both great concepts and how to be true because I know a lot of people look to see thank you so much are put on the. Gastesi finally here is an overview of all the different fixes and changes which will be applied being worked on right now which will be into the game one fix which did get applied today to meet with the Xbox crude content actually being received so I finally received my 1000 B. books. 

And yesterday I did receive my 500 V. books as well so technically my free 500 pharmacy athlete making a mistake degree kat then I finally got the 1000 the paper with the sept that's really nice to see that not so be fixed on the ground not sorted it still is rolling out everyone will probably roll out until the release of the day maybe after that as well as all these other things you can see on screen right here we'll save most of these but some are that going to somebody tell us more will be added to the list tomorrow probably with the they drop in on Tuesday thank you so much have a virgin in today's video leave a like comment subscribe and don't forget to comment down below stream squat it's going to be interested in joining in the 2000 people stream which I'd love to do got lost the plan press them in the comments of the C. if you want to be part not once again the space books Pat. Signing up.

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