The PRESENTS *ONLY* Challenge in Fortnite 2021 - Free Gift

by - January 02, 2021

FREE ITEMS, PRESENTS *ONLY* Challenge in Fortnite!

Fortnite Presents Only Challenge 2021 New Year - Gifts
Fortnite Presents Only Challenge 2021 New Year - Image Credit: @alikna on Insta

It's All I Want for Christmas big shot deputies Mecca hi let's jump into it I'm here to spread the Christmas cheer by only using caressing loose and this can be extremely difficult I mean the main problem here is I got to find a present presence not presents I gotta find a present and presents are really really rare to find your present dust will be super super hard now I'm hoping maybe over here is hiding a present maybe he's got a present for a you know middle schools maybe that's it maybe I can just simply borrow set prices but it doesn't look like that's the case I don't know if they spawn in chess I don't think they do so we're just gonna have to look around and see if. 

The body is gonna have to look around see if you can spot one on the ground I the odds are so low if I happen to really super super low bat but I got to try because if I don't try you know there's no chance there's absolutely no check okay please is our present over here please please please I see a lot of flu absolutely no presence absolutely shocking Hellboy all right somebody's here must get on out here musk Graham shooting shooting in the back there's not very cash money. 

Okay they're all trying to let me know how is that not a single prize in here Yeller grinches y'all are great just to hear me courageous there's absolutely no hope in sectors one Cimpress Zeus moderate gain gosh I've got a bounty on me too the key presence in aus is I mean this one looks a little dilapidated this house yeah this.

This house no one up we are check everywhere bathrooms bedrooms shoot somebody just panicked we need a prize in a little crazy just one press and that'll do these give me press in this one a Prez just give me a present yes I really do not present look is zilch 0 not at the moment he's coming for me. Singing is my only option hopefully the holiday cheer we'll get him not to eliminate me. It's beautiful. Please don't do it. Don't do it don't do it now no. I'm gonna I'm gonna get out of here no matter here look there's a weapon are not not going over it. Just gonna live my life. It's gonna live my life. He had a bounty on me. And he didn't take me out. He wants me to get a. 

Again and again I don't know. This is the dress is. Christmas spirit is stronger than any of. Lever action rifle but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do you save my life. He gave me the opportunity. And if you knew if you knew everything involved he would let it happen but I won't I can't. Eliminated him. This I will go ahead and I will leave him alone the best of luck kind Sir one day we shall meet again. One day we shall meet again I wish you the best. Your dad so much. We technically got a Christmas present we have survived this far it's been an incredible experience we must win this game. Thank god I was actually just to come out there's no way I just think about. We had. Our. All my gosh I'm going to die. All my gosh. All. Richard do this gun sucks so bad. Where is the guy. Oh my gosh all my gosh. I can't I can't I can't be with you I can't be with you I. I don't know I don't know you can't I can't that's too close too close I I don't know. In my life K. 2 others laugh this is been absolute struggle and by sheer Christmas miracle I've survived thus far no no I think our buddy didn't make it I don't think that's our body. No it's definitely not a body we got a win this for our blood we've got to win this for 5. 

Please crank and. Just got. You're good. How did you see any of that well you're a woman voice. There is nothing the last bill. Are your songs. I tried my best my Christmas money if there's one for you this is not over can we got to keep your eyes peeled his presence can spawn anywhere as floor loot it's gonna be alert be super super alert you know I'm gonna take this house please please buy me a present in your books okay we got a chance no presence though some snow made some amazing loot I don't see the festival down on those it. No no no. How. So much Christmas cheer. All right away is no let me just. Area all right operations no man is a go go we just need to find a Christmas present where did people not loot at a lose everywhere we're both on it oh boy they see me on the phone now those prisons nice the next I'm going I'm going now I'm free DJ is a free elf the floor loot has filled me up here Santa Claus I promise I was a good person get this soon to be a little weird but we're gonna like this. Why is centre present. Senate president no that's it S. 

And she wanted to look like a present from you please give me presents please I heard if you hit the like button right now actually greatly increases the odds of me getting a present please hit the like button no no don't do it don't do it. Hi this is the best tactic ever. What are you doing just let me live I've done nothing to you don't you dare shoot me in the back as he zoomed. Izumi. Hey. Thank you you have to buy a large body. Shoes all my gosh. I'm gonna be honest please wait all my gosh it's a Christmas miracle. I'm not going to get me for like 8 years first I'll make you proud still came we never got to really explore these houses over here because do kept bounty hunting me but with your we are let's let's see if we can find the present at the dance club okay we're running out of options there's some Christmas music but. There's a price right away. Gosh this is awesome I love this is a lucky lucky spot okay legendary present let's buses they open. 

And. Are you kidding me is your new explosions after explosions it was just take a just take a little peek here you love you love you love who is going to show on the back I'm watching this all happened well there's there's like 3 people there I was going on with it 1116 crater sis is not having it done students brown said. I miss Anderson this meeting near near the shop. What is he doing. My main big enough. Okay well absolutely body that guy I got an idea. We gotta get out here. I hit once just accepting it. Is running laps around self okay. There you go there you go you try to press me look what happens but yeah I'm really banking on finding at least one more present if I got it use just the sniper I well I don't see any presence. The president all right we're gonna do this properly right over here. Lovely present was Boston please please please and 13 okay I got 2 birds this is such bad news our buddy last night drove over the bridge kind of present some open that the same energy carries is the room there's a snowy flop for their. I didn't even see me please tell me what it is and see what I'm gonna do. Liberal I will save you some out. 

Then once. My. And mark. Suscribe worth. Do. There you go. I am an account. All my gosh no no there's no got. And once. I have no more minutes. Okay look I got a strategy that I think is going to work I just need one of these planes telling all my gosh with this present is present this president Gordon read what all my gosh. There's a full body all my gosh again a bike shop. Watch her show because all my gosh Santa Claus I love you if I could find one more present as they are this is a life in the bag in the back of mine John could you got for me John this way over here. That's really cool K. love doesn't really Johns carrying the presence in the south add some more heels thank you John John Whitley I just need to find one more present I see one more I don't see any presence from the outside that's okay that's okay Missy seems to be properly looted so there is no hope to find a present there I think I'm gonna have to make this work with just a charge shaqtin if I'm gonna be honest with you guys there's one more present there's no way there's no way I see on the dock right there my strategy work my strategy work please please please start. 

It's not the worst thing that could happen soon really not the best thing that could happen is somewhere in between other somebody here so much as objective all right well the output is smart with the way from buys plane. Due to how can I not take any of your walls. Yeah what are the odds he is charged off in 2. Braley. In 50. 1050 again. Finally oh my goodness gracious is gone down I've got to do this for my body my body though let me live I will never forget him it's beautiful. Please don't do it. 

Don't do it do it there we go we got to over there hi one over there I think all 3 people are accounted for that are not me. All my gosh I knew I saw somebody this guy so annoying. All he's done for finally I was tough this guy had a scar yeti purple tax use decked out he was not going to go down without a fight and yet. Lashes that's no joke I've got to charge shaqtin. We shoot out there bill. The automatic method Paul lead hold on that's 2 people strain and also they're both in there they just don't want to die. Well there's no way my bullets even hit that part. Yeah relax relax. It's a protest. Yeah they both felt they both fell. 

I don't even know anymore phone gosh yes you do. 29 ahead. 45 in the head. That's a finisher right there that's the guy who's actually being the most annoying okay it's a one B. one present. Nice shot. One more shot one more shot. He's trying to crank. Let's go. Our morning with rising weapons that is absolutely...

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