Fortnitemares 2020: Everything You Need To Know Halloween - Alikna

Fortnitemares 2020: Everything You Need To Know Halloween

by - October 10, 2020

Fortnitemares 2020: Everything You Need To Know About Fortnite's Halloween Update In Season 4!

Fortnitemares Halloween 2020 Skins

Chapter 2, season 4 is already a bit more in the middle and we turn to season 5.

Before we get there, we'll have another Halloween event!

Fortnitemares is one of the best seasonal events of the year and it's coming back again.

This is what we know!

Release date

At the moment, we don't know when the official start date for Fortnitemares 2020 is.

But, since this is a Halloween event, we can assume it will be up to a week before Halloween.

Also, the event should last until early November!


Last year it was highlighted by Storm King LTM, which was the key game mode for Fortnitemares 2019.

This game mode also gave players the chance to earn a unique glider among other rewards.

Expect some sort of LTM again this year, maybe another Storm King or something to do with zombies!


In addition to LTM, it is expected that there will be a host of challenges for players to complete!


Like any Fortnite event, we already have a lot of leaks

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